Daniel McDonald | JoHILA Editor

This year Library and Information Week was held from 31 July to 6 August, with the theme of “Where’s the Source?”. Here is how some health libraries celebrated the occasion. 


Health Libraries Australia ran a trivia quiz throughout the week, via the ALIAHealth e-list. Two prizes were awarded for correct answers each day.


The Questions

  1. At the beginning of the correspondence section in each new issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, who is pictured writing medical notes, and in whose temple is he or she sitting?
  2. Whose lecture began about 8 O’Clock on Wednesday Evening, Oct 1., 1823, delivered at the Theatre, St. Thomas’s Hospital, to an audience upwards of 400 students, of the most respectable description, so genteel a surgical class as never before witnessed, gentlemen of cultivated manners and good education?
  3. What is the minimum number of peer-reviewed articles a journal must publish to be considered for inclusion in Medline?
  4. Dr Waldo Nelson dragooned his wife and three children into helping him compile the index for “Nelson textbook of Pediatrics”. How did his daughter Ann gain her retribution?
    1. she ran over him with a lawnmower
    2. she put a horse's head in his bed
    3. She introduced a line in the index. Under ''birds, for the,'' she listed the entire book, pages 1-1413
    4. she successfully sued for royalties
    5. she pursued a career in geriatrics
    6. all of the above
  5. Correctly spell the last name of HLA’s convenor


The Answers

  1. Hippocrates writing his medical notes in the temple of Asclepius begins the correspondence section of each issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
  2. “Sir Astley Cooper”, as reported in the first paragraph on page 3 in the first issue of the first volume of The Lancet.
  3. 40 peer reviewed articles before NLM will consider a journal for Medline inclusion.
  4. The correct answer was C, as always. The wife of the author of "Williams Obsterics" did something similar, helping with the indexing and inserting "chauvinism, male, 1-1130 pages".
  5. Siemensma, Gemma