It is exciting to be in 2022 with life getting back to some semblance of normality. HLA continue to tick off priorities and we eagerly seek input from our members to ensure we are speaking with a unified voice for health libraries. Please review the below and provide feedback:
Our online events have kicked off again and we encourage you to attend, learn new skills and grow as health information specialists. Add these dates to your calendar and register early to avoid missing out:
Also to come…
One of the things I value most about health libraries is the amazing professional networks (and friendships) that I have made. There are many health library related Communities of Practice that are driven by passionate health librarians and library technicians. Details are listed below so make contact if you are interested in growing your own network and learning from your peers:
The HLA Executive is also looking to expand as we continue to work through our strategic priorities. In particular we are after people who might be keen to look after our social media channels, help with our professional development / events, maintain our archives, someone with design skills, an early career health librarian, someone to offer university sector insights, librarians from states not already covered (ACT, SA, NT, TAS) and anyone who wants to contribute to the wonderful health library sector. If you are keen please email with a brief paragraph about yourself and what you feel you can bring to the HLA Executive. Don’t forget to include your personal ALIA membership number too.
Have a fabulous year and may we meet in person soon.